How Apparel Embroidery Can Enhance the Look and Feel of Your Merchandise

Apparel embroidery is a process of stitching a design onto a garment using a needle and thread. The process requires a design that is vectored so the stitches are accurate and the image can scale indefinitely without sacrificing quality. Often, a design team will help with the design process and vectoring the image to ensure …

Marketing Through Printing Apparel

Whether your company sells uniforms or apparel, marketing through screen printing can help you grow. The process begins by locating decision makers within the school community. While talking to a coach or PTA member will not lead to orders, they will likely know people who will. School administrators or the district administrative assistant will have …

Tips in Designing and Printing an Attention-Catching Promotional Banner

When designing and printing a banner, you’ll need to follow certain principles to ensure the most impact. The most important of these is not to use too much copy. Your message should be clear, concise, and easy to read. Don’t use too many colors, either. Also, try not to use too many text colors. While …

Classic Packages as a Direct Mailing Product

Direct mail is typically used for direct marketing and advertising purposes. In this process, marketers or companies prepare direct mail pieces with specific purpose and design. They use special software to design and format the direct mail piece to the specification of the client. The use of direct mailing in marketing campaign enhances the effectiveness …

Direct Mail Marketing – Building Your Direct Mail Marketing Campaign

Direct mail companies are all over the place these days. From direct mailing services located in a small town, all the way to giant direct mailing companies with worldwide distribution. What does it take to get your company’s brochure or direct mailing marketing materials noticed by customers? How do you design a direct mailing campaign …

How To Use Digital Printing Services To Create A Promotional Item

One of the most successful advertising techniques in today’s marketing arena is the use of digital printing as a means to promote your company or business. However, there are many issues that surround using this method of marketing, especially when you are trying to get those who work for you to understand the value of …